Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Life is amazing. And then its awful. And then it's amazing again!

Oh the rollercoaster of life. Why is it that one moment of our lives can be so amazing and the very next can leave you feeling every single emotion possible? But seriously, how awesome is life? Pretty freakin' awesome if you ask me. :) And when I stop and think about how I was a part of giving that awesome gift of life to 3 little people, it can be pretty mind blowing.

Watching my children grow is so fascinating. They each have their own quarks, likes and abilities. They each communicate and love in their own way and I’d like to think I have something to do with that. Bryson is very loving and affectionate but sensitive. This year he turned 11 and I am still very taken back that I have been a mother for MORE than a decade. Ava is my little mother. She has a love for little ones and it just melts my heart. Just today while waiting at the doctors she was very eager to get acquainted with the baby in the waiting room and she does it with such love. Carson is my little firecracker! Although small he sure is a spit fire and funnier than a rubber crutch. J

Can you believe it’s been a year and a half since I’ve blogged last? Crazy. Why is it we never find time to do the things we really love... Life man. It gets busy. Really busy. And writing is so therapeutic to me. I love writing things down. I love taking notes, making lists and sometimes I’m guilty of making lists of my list. Strange, I know! I really love the feel of my fingers typing and the sound the keys make as I fly across the keyboard. Something about it makes me feel very relieved.

Back to the crazy thing we call life. Its sure been busy but oh how fun it’s been too. So much has happened!

-          New friendships

-          Promotion at work

-          Celebrating another year with some of my favorite people

-          Closed doors no longer serving a positive purpose in my life

-          Met a boy

-          Pushed my kids to do better in school

-          Learning to love myself unconditionally

This is just a brief list of everything I’ve been doing since my last blog. And although it may seem small and short it’s been an awesome time. I can truly say my life is wonderful and has so much meaning.

What have you been up to? Have you taken a look back at the things you’ve done in 1.5 short years and thought how awesome your life is? You should!

Today while dropping Carson off to school I heard Ava reply “Love you”. And I immediately got a huge smile on my face and looked at her through my rearview mirror & then she caught me! “What Mommy”!? Nothing was said, we just exchanged a smile. It’s amazing how such a small statement can make me feel so good about how I want my kids to see life. Life is great. I mean REALLY great and it’s even better when we are surrounded by many people that we love and love us back.

Well, I promise to blog more often. Even if it’s just for my sake. I mean a girl only has 22 drafts that need published.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

I'm Back!

I've really got to stop using the "I’m too busy" line.. I'm an adult and that’s just not acceptable. We make time for the things we hold close and blogging makes me feel good so I need to make more time. Period.

Okay, glad we got that out of the way. :)

What has everyone been doing? School has recently started and that alone will keep a girl busy. Homework, open houses, new friends & teachers, birthday invites, and let’s not forget those annoying "new school year forms". I mean seriously, can’t you just keep the ones I filled out from last year? I swear nothing has changed. I'm still living in the same overpriced apartment, single and have all the same kids I did last year. No additional siblings for my kids.

The kids are great. Still alive so I must be doing something right! Bryson will be entering double digits in January. Ava is such her mother, very loving and nurturing. She loves all babies and they love her! Carson has officially started school and has a wiggly tooth! He makes me feel it every day and he’s so eager to get some cash I've convinced him brushing a few times a day will make certain it falls out sooner. Score! Mom - 1 Carson 0 (until I have to pay up).

I pinky promise to write more occasionally.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Busy B! Who me?

Hey there!

Sorry it’s been so long since I've written. I think about blogging almost every day.. It’s just so difficult with my busy schedule. Between both jobs, kids, homework, activities and of course DATING. I’m just so busy! And honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The kids are great. They are such good kids and can always make me laugh. Bryson had a rough start to his 3rd grade year but we're making the appropriate changes to make sure he is becoming successful. Ava is oh, Ava! She’s hilarious. She's such a social butterfly (as her Mom) and having a great year as a first grader for the second time. My baby, Carson will be 5 in 5 days! I just cannot believe it... it feels like I just had him.

Work is work.. nothing too exciting. Spending it as fast as I can make it. :) Sometimes I wonder how long I will work my second job.. and then I’m reminded of my shopping habit. Nothing makes a girl feel better then a new pair of jeans.

My dating life on the other hand, not too bad! I've had to weed through several disappointments but I'm currently in a good place. I was seeing a guy that was bad for me but it felt good to have someone like me and to spend time with. It didn’t feel too good when I realized he didn’t feel the same.. Oh well. I've enjoyed being single, no strings and nothing exclusive.

I do have to say, dating is just not what it used to be. Everything is so different.. from what I've been told. Many times I go wondering if I’m to pay, or of he'll will get the bill. Will he be a gentleman, should I give a kiss goodnight? If I do does that mean I want him to come up.. Ugh! Its nerve racking! Abd sex on the first date is so casual anymore,it's like it’s almost expected. But a girls gotta be a lady. :) All of that aside, I do enjoy dating & getting to know people. Weather that turns into something romantic or just a friendship, it’s all been a fun experience.

Whew! Told you I was busy. Thanks for reading, sorry I've been away for so long. ❤

Monday, September 8, 2014

Raising Bryson

It’s been more days then I’d like, since my last blog. I told myself I wouldn’t write every day. I didn’t want the pressure and I wouldn’t want to put the pressure of reading daily on my followers. I debated all weekend what to write about.. my current dating situation, what the kids and I did all weekend, or my strong felt opinion of something that maybe another woman is feeling but isn’t the one to talk about it.

Today, I’m going to talk about my Bryce. Oh my sweet Bryce! He has been exceptionally sweet since the day he was born.  I always tell or remind him to allow people their own space. He has no concept of personal space. And as much as that falls in line with someone the other things he struggles with, I like to think this is a special quality about him. He just wants to be close to you, love you. He gives the best hugs, they have so much love! And oh does he love to kiss you. So often he will come all the way from whatever it is he is doing, just to lay one on me!

Bryson struggles every day with some of the smallest tasks. Getting dressed, taking baths, evaluating his feelings, and sometimes eating a meal. I think what bothers me the most isn’t the fact he struggles so hard at some of the simplest tasks, it’s the look in his eyes, the look of frustration, confusion, determination but, most of all simple love. It’s not that he doesn’t want to do these things, trust me, he wants to.

This morning was a hard one. We have stopped using the word “bad” it was vetoed by Bryson. Last week was a “bad” morning (we were still using the word at the time). And I had said it several times in the car on the way to school. And Bryce asked me if his bad morning would be a bad day. At that point I decided we wouldn’t allow a bad morning to determine our day! But if you will, between us, this morning was BAD! Bryce struggles with getting dressed. And today, he had on about 4 different outfits. Once he decided on what he wanted to wear, it was on to socks. And it’s not because he doesn’t want to wear a particular outfit, it has to fit right, touch is skin right, fold right. And socks, oh for the love of socks! They have to “feel” just right. He will wear ONE pair of socks for DAYS just because they feel just right! We did find the perfect match & he looked great.

Bryson LOVES puzzles! He can put a puzzle together in 5 minutes flat. Yesterday he brought me an 100 piece puzzle, he was a bit weary. He even mentioned, “I don’t know Mommy, this has 100 pieces!” We put it on the counter and I had him separate the middle from the edge pieces. He got started on the edges right away. He worked on that puzzle for about 3 hours. He still not done, and I can’t wait to see his reaction to his great accomplishment!

My sweet, sweet Bryce.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Not Trading It In

After putting a few last touches on my blog yesterday, it’s strange how I came across this photo in my Facebook news feed. It instantly gave me my inspiration for my first blog. Although I did bounce back and forth the thoughts of what I would write about on  my very first blog.. and as much as I would like to “introduce” myself, I’m sure I’ll do plenty of that throughout all my post. Don’t worry, you’ll get a very good idea of who I am. 

The photo reads, "Shout out to all the unselfish moms out there who traded eyeliner for dark circles, salon haircuts for ponytails, long baths for quick showers, late nights for early mornings, designer bags for diaper bags, and wouldn't change a thing."

Anyhow, like I already said. I came across this photo in my Facebook news feed and it instantly had a negative effect on me.

Now, don’t misunderstand me. There are all different kinds of Moms & I am not the one to play the “perfect Mom” card. I just have to disagree with this message. Doing your make up, hair & keeping up your appearance doesn’t make you any less of a mother. And is “unselfish” really necessary? So us Moms that rely on eyeliner, hair appointments or carry our Coach purses instead of a hideous, bulky diaper/kids bag, have ourselves in mind & less our children?

I do understand this is just a photo and obviously the opinion of one & one sided it is. But, ladies, we don't need to "trade" anything! We can continue to take care of ourselves and still be an outstanding mother! One thing I've had to remind myself this past year is this, my kids will enjoy me more if I'm happy and if that means keeping up on my hair & make up so be it! I need happy kids. :)

I'm still learning, being a mother, isn't my only identity. Although, being a Mom is my first and most important job but, there is so much more to Brittany and I think it's important I know that.

I think I'll take a long bubble bath tonight.